“Does Acupuncture Really Work?” Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

“Does Acupuncture Really Work?” Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

Many of the new patients that walk through my doors are very curious about acupuncture and wonder if it will work for them.


While some people see results faster than others, virtually everybody starts feeling improvements after their very first session.


The big question is, “how does acupuncture work?”


I’m going to do my best to explain it to you, while sparing you the gory details.


Sound good?


To start, let’s talk about nerves.


Nerves are what allow you to feel, breathe, touch, and move. They are responsible for all your senses and affect every major part of your body like your organs, heart, digestive system, and more. It is also how you feel pain, heat, cold, soft, rough, etc.


Acupuncture targets the nerves at your fingertips and toes because those fine, sensory points are what help you to restore balance.


In electro-acupuncture, or as some of my colleagues call it “qi in a box,” different frequencies of electricity affect different tissues.


Lower frequencies of electric current affect your muscles. As the frequency increases, your neurotransmitters are affected which causes you to produce “natural painkillers” called oxytocin.


Plus, when you pump a muscle with electricity, you create a “fluid exchange” which allows oxygen to breathe through your muscles. This effect relaxes the tissues and allows for the healing to begin.


So what happens if you have a structural issue or a displacement?


Enter osteopathy.


Imagine your nerves are like the electrical system to a house. The electricity runs to each of the rooms so that you can switch your lights on and turn on your TV. But without the proper framework, the wiring could not exist because the house couldn’t stand on its own.


That’s where osteopathy comes in. It focuses on the physical support system of your body.


See, your arteries and veins run through millions of holes throughout your body. These holes are made up of bone and muscle.


If you get injured, these holes might displace causing misalignment. The nervous system will allow for only so much misalignment before it becomes dysfunctional, which is when pain exists.


In the human body, the structure (bones, muscles and other connected tissues) hold up the nerve arteries and veins. That’s why it’s vital that your nervous system stays aligned!


Are you now beginning to understand the science behind acupuncture and osteopathy?


Are you considering getting treatment for an injury or getting a tune-up?


Book your appointment here at the Toronto Acupuncture Clinic!

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