Yin and Yang and how it is used it to help you achieve optimal health – Toronto Acupuncture Clinic – Samuel Lo

Yin and Yang and how it is used it to help you achieve optimal health – Toronto Acupuncture Clinic – Samuel Lo

  • Needle for acupuncture on spa stones on table close up

Yin and Yang are famously associated with Chinese medicine, you may already know that it is the foundation of diagnosis and treatment.  Did you know that the concept is just as important to my work with osteopathy and western medicine?

Understanding the complexity of Yin and Yang - Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

Understanding the complexity of Yin and Yang – Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

Let me explain.


In Chinese medicine, Yin and Yang are used to represent the balance between health and disease. It represents a constantly changing homeostasis. We can only be healthy when they are in balance.


In osteopathy I also seek to maintain a homeostasis.  In the practice of osteopathy we aim to strike a balance of structure (yin) vs balance (yang).


In traditional medicine there are numerous systems that we try to keep in balance.  Which include, muscles and bones, hormones in the endocrine system, and the nervous system.


During my assessment of  a patients health identifying the balance between the Yin and Yang is the foundation of my diagnosis.


Acupuncture Needles Close Up - Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

Acupuncture Needles Close Up – Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

For example a patient that comes to my office with a ‘bad back.’  I must first determine if the origin is the organs affecting the muscles or muscles affecting the organs. Yin affecting Yang or Yang affecting Yin?


In order for a problem to be resolved it is important to determine the underlying cause, or else problems reoccur and remain unresolved.


That is why it is important to maintain balance and harmony represented by Yin and Yang.


If you would like to schedule an assessment to determine the your balance of Yin and Yang please book online here.


Toronto Acupuncture Clinic.

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