Is Acupuncture regulated in Ontario?

Is Acupuncture regulated in Ontario?

In Ontario, acupuncture is regulated as a controlled act under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). This means that only certain healthcare professionals who are authorized to perform controlled acts, such as acupuncture, may legally perform acupuncture in Ontario.

Currently, the following healthcare professions are authorized to perform acupuncture in Ontario:

  1. Chiropractors
  2. Dentists
  3. Medical doctors
  4. Naturopathic doctors
  5. Nurses
  6. Optometrists
  7. Physiotherapists
  8. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners (who have met certain qualifications and have been registered with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario)

These healthcare professionals are required to meet certain qualifications and standards of practice in order to perform acupuncture legally in Ontario. They may also be subject to ongoing regulation and oversight by their respective regulatory colleges.

It is important to note that while acupuncture is regulated as a controlled act, there are other healthcare practitioners who may perform acupuncture as part of their scope of practice, but are not authorized to perform the controlled act of acupuncture. These practitioners may use acupuncture as a complementary therapy or as part of a broader treatment plan, but must do so within their authorized scope of practice.