What happens in Acupuncture?

What happens in Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a type of treatment that uses tiny needles to help your body feel better. Just like how a doctor might give you medicine to help you feel better, an acupuncturist (that’s the person who does acupuncture) puts these little needles in specific places on your body to help it feel better.

The needles are so thin that you probably won’t even feel them. When they go in, it can help your body release natural chemicals called endorphins that can help relieve pain and make you feel better.

Some people might be a little scared of acupuncture because they think it hurts, but it’s usually not very painful at all! It’s kind of like getting a tiny pinch or a mosquito bite.

Acupuncture can help with all sorts of things like headaches, back pain, and even stress. It’s a really cool way to help your body feel better and heal itself!