projector stand

DIY Laying Down Desk!

Creating a laying desk with a projector setup can indeed be a unique and ergonomic way to improve posture and reduce the strain on your spine. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make one: Materials Needed: Projector Wireless Mouse and Keyboard Laptop or Computer Tripod or Projector Stand Ceiling Mount (if needed) Blank Ceiling or Wall Comfortable Pillow or Cushion Extension Cords (if necessary) HDMI Cable (if not using wireless projection) Power Source Steps: Choose the Location: Find a suitable room or area in your home where you want to set up your laying desk. Make sure it’s comfortable and free from excessive light or glare. Projector Placement: Place the projector on a tripod or projector stand at the edge of your bed or on the floor, aiming it towards the ceiling. Ensure that the projector is stable and secure. If needed, you can also use a wall mount for […]