
How was Acupotomy Discovered?

The term “acupotomy” or (Knife needle / Dao needle / Dao needle therapy / 針刀 / 小針刀) refers to a relatively modern therapeutic technique that combines aspects of acupuncture and surgery. While acupuncture has been practiced in China for thousands of years, acupotomy as a specific procedure is a more recent development. The exact origin and discovery of acupotomy can be attributed to the work of Dr. Zhu Hanzhang, a Chinese surgeon, in the late 1970s. Dr. Zhu was researching ways to treat chronic soft tissue and musculoskeletal disorders that were not responding well to traditional acupuncture methods. He wanted to develop a technique that could target specific anatomical structures with greater precision. Dr. Zhu combined his knowledge of acupuncture points and meridians with his surgical expertise to create a new approach. He designed a specialized instrument called an “acupotome,” which resembles a needle with a sharp, flat blade at […]