
Here’s what happens to your body as you age… Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

  • Chinese herbal medicine with acupuncture needles - Toronto Acupuncture Clinic

Did you ever get injured as a kid?   Maybe you fell off your bike. Or got hurt on the playground.   You might remember that the recovery period was relatively quick and painless.  Or perhaps there was no recovery period at all. Maybe you simply picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and kept on playing.   So why can’t we pick ourselves up and keep on playing when we get injured as adults?   When we’re born, we have a natural ability to recover well and heal quickly.   In fact, a study (Sheffield 1970) reveals that children under the age of six have the ability to heal naturally. Just like salamanders that regenerate lost limbs and sliced spinal cords. Unfortunately, this natural healing ability changes as we get older.   As we advance in age, our inherent ability to regenerate diminishes. In the medical world, we call this […]

“How long will the pain last?”

  • Acupuncture Technique

When patients are in pain from an injury, the first thing they want to know is: “how long will the pain last?” and “will it ever get better?”   I always tell them that recovery time depends on how severe the injury is and how long they’ve had it for.   As a general rule of thumb, injuries can take the same amount of time to heal (undevelop) as they did to develop. So if you succumbed to an injury 3-4 days ago, then it could take 3-4 days to fully recover if you get the right treatment. But if you’ve had an injury that has been lingering around for years, or even decades, then we have to shift gears to control and maintain the issue. In fact, those are our two goals: first, we need to control it, then, we need to maintain it.   To achieve our first […]

Fact or Fiction? The Great “Triple Burner” Debate!

  • Acupuncture needles, moxa sticks, TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine

Have you ever seen the show, “Fact or Fiction?” If not, it goes like this: each week, an unbelievable story is told and the viewers get to judge if they believe the story is fact or fiction.   In Chinese medicine, we have our very own “fact or fiction” debate. Except this debate is centuries-old and we still don’t have the answer.   This ongoing debate has stayed in the back of my mind for years.   Here’s what it’s all about: TCM practitioners have long questioned the existence of the organ, The Triple Burner. Unlike all of the other organs in the human body, it is the only one with no physical component.   It’s said to be the organ with a name but no form.   How could that be?   Well, the triple burner “holds the office of the sluices (water channel controlled by gates); it manifests […]