traditional Chinese medicine

Exploring the Parallelism Between Osteopathy and Chinese Medicine: The Rule of the Artery and Qi/Blood

Osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may seem worlds apart in terms of cultural origin and theoretical frameworks, yet beneath the surface, they share fundamental principles that underscore their holistic approach to healing. One such principle is the concept of “the rule of the artery” in osteopathy, which bears striking resemblance to the notion of Qi (or “life force energy”) and Blood in Chinese medicine. Understanding Osteopathy’s Rule of the Artery Osteopathy, founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in the late 19th century, is a form of alternative medicine that emphasizes the interrelationship between the body’s structure and its function. At the heart of osteopathic philosophy lies the principle known as “the rule of the artery,” which asserts that proper blood flow is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. According to this principle, when blood circulation is obstructed or compromised, it can lead to various health problems and musculoskeletal imbalances. […]

How does acupuncture heal pain?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body known as acupuncture points. While the exact mechanisms are still being studied, there are several proposed theories on how acupuncture may help relieve pain: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory: According to TCM theory, acupuncture aims to balance the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”), which is believed to be the vital energy that circulates throughout the body. Pain and illness are thought to arise from imbalances or blockages in the flow of Qi. By inserting needles into specific acupuncture points, acupuncture is believed to stimulate and restore the proper flow of Qi, thereby alleviating pain. Endorphin Release: Acupuncture may stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving substances produced by the body. Endorphins can help reduce pain perception and promote a sense of well-being and relaxation. Neural Modulation: Acupuncture may […]

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique rooted in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body known as acupuncture points or acupoints. The therapeutic effects of acupuncture are based on several key principles: Balancing Qi (Chi): Central to TCM is the concept of “Qi” or “Chi,” which represents the vital energy or life force that flows throughout the body along channels known as meridians. It is believed that illness and pain result from an imbalance or blockage of Qi. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance and free the flow of Qi along these meridians. Stimulating Acupuncture Points: Acupuncture points are located along the meridians and correspond to specific organs, functions, or conditions within the body. By inserting needles into these points, acupuncturists aim to stimulate or sedate the flow of Qi, depending on the individual’s condition. This stimulation is thought […]

What is Tui Na?

Tui Na is a form of Chinese manual therapy that is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other traditional Chinese medical practices. It involves the use of various manual techniques such as massage, acupressure, stretching, and joint mobilization to promote healing and balance within the body. Tui Na is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which views the body as a complex system of energy pathways (meridians) through which Qi (vital energy) flows. By manipulating the meridians and acupressure points, Tui Na is believed to help restore balance and harmony within the body, improve circulation, and promote the body’s natural healing processes. Tui Na is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, headaches, digestive disorders, respiratory disorders, and stress-related conditions. It can also be used as a preventive measure to maintain overall health and wellbeing. During a Tui […]

What is Cupping?

  • acupuncture in toronto

Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves placing glass, silicone, or plastic cups on the skin and creating a vacuum or suction by heating the air inside the cup or using a mechanical pump. The suction pulls the skin and underlying tissues up into the cup, creating a tight seal. The theory behind cupping is that it can help promote the flow of Qi and blood in the body, which can help to alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and stimulate the immune system. Cupping is often used to treat conditions such as muscle pain, back pain, headaches, and respiratory issues such as coughs and asthma. Cupping is believed to work by creating a local suction that helps to increase blood flow to the affected area, which can help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is also thought to help stimulate the lymphatic system, which can help to eliminate […]